الكاتب: Gustave Flaubert - غوستاف فلوبير

  • Gustave Flaubert (1821–1880) was a French novelist, best known for his masterpiece *Madame Bovary*. Born in Rouen, France, Flaubert is considered one of the greatest literary realists and a key figure in 19th-century literature. He was known for his meticulous attention to detail, precise prose, and dedication to the craft of writing, often spending years perfecting a single work. *Madame Bovary* (1856), his first published novel, caused controversy for its realistic portrayal of adultery and its critique of bourgeois society, but it cemented his reputation as a literary genius. Other notable works include *Sentimental Education* and *Salammbô*. Flaubert's writing style, characterized by its objectivity and vivid descriptions, influenced many later authors and helped shape modern fiction. His famous motto, *"Le mot juste"* (the right word), reflects his commitment to finding the perfect expression in his work.