
La petite Dorrit

السعر الأصلي هو: EGP 1,080.00.السعر الحالي هو: EGP 460.00.


  • Charles Dickens was one of the most famous and successful writers in 19th-century England. Along with 14 novels, many of them rich in topical allusion, he produced a body of work as reporter, essayist, correspondent, and editor that constitutes a lifelong account of the facts of Victorian life as he knew them. Dickens was a lover of facts in his work as a reporter, but his nonfiction work is anything but a mere collection of data. In his reporting and commentary, Dickens is often an outraged reformer, uncompromising in his attacks on privileged interests. In the early sketches, he is a writer trying to achieve a synthesis of art and social criticism. The surviving letters, some 14,500 of which the editors of the ongoing Pilgrim Edition have collected, reveal a man of astonishing energies, who attempted to impose an artist’s vision of order on every aspect of his life and work. In the late essays, Dickens emerges as a restless, poetic wanderer who masterfully blends observation, autobiography, and allegory. Much of this prose is valuable as a window on the novelist’s attitudes and preoccupations, but most of it stands on its own, the work of an acute observer and dedicated craftsman. >

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La petite Dorrit a vu le jour dans une prison où son père est enfermé, avec toute sa famille, après avoir fait faillite.
La petite Dorrit se dévoue pour les siens, notamment en travaillant pour Mme Clennam. C’est chez cette femme étrange qu’elle rencontrera Arthur… Mais des biens ignorés vont rendre les Dorrit subitement très riches. La petite Dorrit saura-t-elle garder sa modestie et son humilité? La vie sera-t-elle devenue si belle?
Les efforts d’Arthur Clennam ont payé : la famille Dorrit, libérée de la prison pour dettes où elle croupissait abusivement, connaît enfin la prospérité.
Mais, après des années de misère, la petite Dorrit fait de nouveau face à un coup du sort : son père décède, et la voici contrainte de vivre chez sa sœur aînée, mariée au très snob Edmund Sparkler.
Suite à un investissement malheureux de ce dernier, la famille Dorrit connaît de nouveau la ruine… et, cette fois, Arthur Clennam partage la déchéance de sa fiancée. Les voici tous deux enfermés pour dettes à la prison de Marshalsea !
Les épais murs de la prison ne sont pas toujours là où l’on croit, et son ombre menaçante semble s’étendre bien au-delà de ses enceintes… Mais une terrible vérité est sur le point d’éclater, qui pourrait tout remettre en question. La petite Dorrit goûtera-t-elle enfin à la quiétude et au bonheur ?


  • Charles Dickens was one of the most famous and successful writers in 19th-century England. Along with 14 novels, many of them rich in topical allusion, he produced a body of work as reporter, essayist, correspondent, and editor that constitutes a lifelong account of the facts of Victorian life as he knew them. Dickens was a lover of facts in his work as a reporter, but his nonfiction work is anything but a mere collection of data. In his reporting and commentary, Dickens is often an outraged reformer, uncompromising in his attacks on privileged interests. In the early sketches, he is a writer trying to achieve a synthesis of art and social criticism. The surviving letters, some 14,500 of which the editors of the ongoing Pilgrim Edition have collected, reveal a man of astonishing energies, who attempted to impose an artist’s vision of order on every aspect of his life and work. In the late essays, Dickens emerges as a restless, poetic wanderer who masterfully blends observation, autobiography, and allegory. Much of this prose is valuable as a window on the novelist’s attitudes and preoccupations, but most of it stands on its own, the work of an acute observer and dedicated craftsman. >


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